
All about orders, payment, delivery, security ...  (click here)

Demo versions or .mp3 demo songs can be downloaded from most product pages.

If you have any other questions about our products feel free to send us an email:

(Please ask your questions in English or German)

Soundside is the developer but not the seller of the apps, toolkits or profiles.

In case of none technical problems (e.g. with the delivery or download) please contact the reseller directly:
  • For toolkits or profiles: Please contact 'MyCommerce' (click here)
  • For iOS apps: Please use the app store to contact Apple
We provide different kinds of information to support you to install and run our products as easy as possible.
1. Automatic Email after your order via MyCommerce
After your online order you will receive an email from MyCommerce (our ordering provider).
Please check this email for any last minute information, installation instructions and links to other tools.
2. 'Readme.txt'
A file called 'readme.txt' is included in any of our products. This file helps you to install the product and includes a trouble shooting part.
3. Help-System
After the successful installation please check the inbuilt help-system (menu '?') to learn more about the operation of the product.

For some products additional manuals (pdf format) are available for download. Please check the product page for more information.
4. Product FAQ

For some products we have created product FAQ's already - other FAQ's will follow - all FAQ's will be updated according to the asked questions.

5. UserForums
A lot of questions may have nothing or little to do with our products - but with the used gear or computer system.
There are a lot of great forums to help in this cases ! Other users will discuss problems and ideas about your gear.
Please use the forums 'search' feature to find the answer.
We also visit this forums from time to time to answer questions as well as to inform about news.

Kemper Forum:
Zoom Forum:
Line6 Forums:
6. Free Support Request
If you have checked all the information above - and still did not find an answer, feel free to send us a free support request:

(Please ask your questions in English or German)

To reactivate any lost program / password (click here)
You can freely use all our toolkits, apps and profiles to create any kind of music, soundtracks or even #1 hits or whatever you like.

We do not sell toolkits, apps or profiles - only a licence to use them - as with similar products - it's not allowed to share them, any part of them or any 'new' rigs derived from our profiles.

We use the model of a personal licence:
The original purchaser can freely use the toolkits, apps and profiles on as many devices she/he own's.

It's not allowed to sell the toolkits, apps and profiles or devices which contain any of them.

It's not allowed to use our profiles/sounds for any other service as to create your own music - e.g. it's not allowed to rent profiles, offer reamping services or convert our profiles/sounds into other formats.
If you think you have found a bug in one of our products please send us the report:

(Please send your report in English or German)
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